Sunday 20 July 2014

Kofi Kingston Impresses in Battle Royal by Jumping a Shark

The series of impressive athletic feats in Battle Royal matches by wrestling superstar Kofi Kingston continued in Tampa, Florida this evening during the WWE pay-per-view event Battleground. Kingston, after being thrown over the top rope in the Battle Royal match, avoided elimination by jumping clean over a shark.

The match, contested under over-the-top-rope elimination rules, require a wrestler to be thrown over the top rope to suffer an elimination, and both feet must touch the floor. Kingston has avoided elimination a myriad of different ways in matches like these, none as creative as this evening.

"It was getting harder and harder to figure out stuff to do," said Kingston when approached for comment. "One time I landed on a chair. That was cool. This other time I did a flippy move onto the steps. I know, right? Pretty creative. It seemed like there wasn't much else until it hit me, I simply had to jump a shark."

As of press time, rumours that Kofi Kingston's music began playing because he banged a jukebox remain unconfirmed.